
SwiftUI Sign In View

A SwiftUI View that handles user interaction when logging into an account using an email and password.

SignInView with a light color scheme. A SwiftUI Starter Kit Component.
SignInView with a light color scheme
SignInView with a dark color scheme. A SwiftUI Starter Kit Component.
SignInView with a dark color scheme.


SignInView(interactor: SignInInteractor(
    didAuthenticate: { user in
        // success, login to app
    didSelectCreateAccount: {
        // navigate to account creation
    didSelectForgotPassword: {
        // navigate to password reset


  • Client side email and password validation, with comprehensive error messaging for users.
  • Secure password text entry.
  • Handles ScrollView interactions with proper keyboard management.
  • Supports light and dark device color schemes by default.
  • Supports font scaling via Dynamic Type.
  • Supports offline usage in SwiftUI Previews for easy debugging and testing.
