Swift Starter Kits Version 1.0

Published on December 20, 2022

We've been hard at work this autumn building a suite of iOS developer tools for startups, agencies and mobile developers utilizing the Swift programming language. Today, we're finally launching our starter kit specifically designed for shipping native iOS apps as fast as possible. In this article we'll touch on the intended use cases, and how to get the most out of your starter kit.

# What is Swift Starter Kits?

Swift Starter Kits is an all in one starter kit for launching native apps quickly. Our kit includes a fully featured Xcode project, a library of SwiftUI components and documentation, all of which are growing and evolving constantly. With this first major release, the included Xcode project has a pre-built user authentication experience and a complete integration with Firebase. This kit is built from the ground up with SwiftUI (and a little UIKit, where it makes sense), comes with 12 configurable screens, 20 reusable SwiftUI components, and several build configurations - making it easy to extend into a CI/CD pipeline. The built-in Firebase support includes end-to-end authentication (login, logout, account creation), and even includes self-service account editing use-cases like email verification, email change and password reset.

And this is just the first major release! Our library of Swift and SwiftUI components is expanding, and a license includes lifetime access to the entire growing suite of tools.

If you're building a native app for Apple's ecosystem, this starter kit will reduce development time by weeks, save thousands of dollars from your engineering budget, and provide guidance in building profitable mobile apps quickly.

# What can I do with it?

This starter kit can be used as the foundation for your mobile app business, and is usable in unlimited mobile app projects, whether they personal or for a client. The starter kit can be shipped to the App Store, re-skinned, modified, and reside in your personal library of developer tools. You'll receive full source code access, so you'll also be able to use new tools early before we release them.

# Who is this intended for?

If you build for Apple's platforms, than you'd see a massive return on investment from Swift Starter Kits. Whether you run a startup, build apps for clients as a consultant, or are a solo dev looking to start a SaaS, we have flexible licenses intended for inividuals or teams of any size.

# Solopreneurs

Swift Starter Kits is designed for the Solopreneur. With this growing kit of programmer tools written in Swift, you can experiment and launch ideas exponentially faster than if you started from scratch. Imagine having a library of code at the ready to cover common use cases. Time matters when trying to get a new idea to the App Store, and we've slashed the time to market in half. This starter kit reduces engineering time, so you can spend more time on marketing, finding customers, and wearing all the hats of the Solopreneur.

# Digital Agencies and Consultants

If you run a digital agency or are an iOS freelancer, this starter kit would be a massive boost in productivity when used in client projects. You could fast track the project timeline by starting with a fully featured user experience, and ship it directly to testers via TestFlight on day 1 of your contract. Having a functional user experience early in a projects' timeline builds confidence, and shows immediate progress to your clients.

# Startups and Indie Development Shops

If you're a startup or indie app development team, this starter kit can get you closer to your MVP by providing a robust feature set for any type of user connected application. You'll be able to focus on what makes your app truly unique, and offload the essentials for building a mobile SaaS with Swift. Not to mention that you'll save a huge chunk of time and money in the process (we intimately understand how expensive engineering time is). As a founder, you can lean on this starter kit to save a huge chunk of your budget for features and polish.

# Students or Junior Developers

If you're a student or Junior Software Developer that is just starting out in building iOS and macOS apps, this starter kit would be a tremendous learning resource. The architecture has been built with programmer scale in mind, and is designed to grow from a solo engineer to a large team. With a modular, feature focused organizational pattern, this starter kit exemplifies a number of hard-learned lessons from growing a mobile development team. Not to mention, accessibility and localization are supported from the start, making it easier to maintain and continue supporting as your app grows.

# Why use a pre-made Xcode project?

Starting with a pre-configured Xcode project will save you weeks of development time. It makes no sense to start from the default empty Xcode project when your competition is starting with all the common usecases covered (like user authentication, form validation, localization and accessibility). Why build all of this from scratch?

# How do I get started?

Purchasing one of our individual or team licenses will provide lifetime access to all current and future source code, documentation and tools. You'll receive a fully configured Xcode project directly to your inbox within moments of buying a license, which includes all the documentation needed to get up and running. We'll notify you of future updates and additions to our suite of developer tools, which you'll also receive at no extra charge.

# What if I have questions or need help?

If you get stuck, or are unsure if Swift Starter Kits would be a good fit for your app, don't hesitate to send us an email! We are happy to answer questions, or schedule a call to provide a live demo.

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Swift Starter Kits is transparently built in the open. Visit the changelog for version updates, or follow development via Mastodon or Twitter.